Deep Insights You Can Trust

Thinkscape is an AI-powered insights platform that engages large groups (up to 400 people) in real-time deliberative conversation, combining the statistical rigor and repeatable scale of surveys with the insight depth of small focus groups and targeted interviews.

Save Time & Money: In less than an hour, researchers can collect the equivalent of 20 focus groups worth of insights for 1/10 the cost. In addition, Thinkscape automatically outputs a comprehensive set of quantitative and qualitative reports with statistical analysis.

Why Thinkscape?

  • Thinkscape enables large groups (up to 400 people) to engage in real-time conversational deliberations. Our patented process uses an intelligent network of AI Agents to connect small deliberative subgroups into a single unified conversation. This ingenious method combines the scale and statistical rigor of surveys with the deliberative depth of focus groups and interviews.

  • Thinkscape collects deep qualitative insights from up to 400 people at once, enabling market researchers to achieve statistical repeatability of key results. Thematic insights are traceable to contextual verbatims in discussion transcripts.

  • In less than an hour, researchers can collect the equivalent of 25 focus groups worth of data for the cost of running just one or two. And with Thinkscape, results are quickly generated and delivered, providing scoring of key metrics, quantitative and qualitative reporting, and statistical analysis.

  • Using the Observer Portal in Thinkscape, researchers can watch in real-time as ideas emerge during live conversations and can follow along as various sentiments gain traction or lose support. Researchers can also probe on unique insights or ask follow-up questions based on the real-time conversational dynamics.

  • Thinkscape automatically generates rich written reports, as well as data visualizations and spreadsheets that help researchers to understand and communicate the results of each session.

  • Use the Thinkscape Insight Studio to review session dynamics and in-context deliberations from any perspective, at any speed, with advanced search and intelligent navigation capabilities.

Thinkscape Feature Comparison

Surveys Focus Groups Interviews Thinkscape
Speed to Results Fast Slow Slow Fast
Quantitative Insights Yes No No Yes
Qualitative Insights No Yes Yes Yes
Statistical Scalability Yes No No Yes
Group Brainstorms No Yes No Yes
Group Discussions No Yes No Yes
Depth of Insights Surface Medium Deep Deep
Optional Anonymity Yes No No Yes
Group Bias Mitigation N/A No No Yes
Automatic Reporting Yes No No Yes
Typical Sample Size 200 to 2000 8 to 12 1 50 to 500
Amplified Intelligence No No No Yes
Overall Cost Low High High Low


Using our patented AI, Thinkscape evokes deep deliberative insights from large real-time groups, while mitigating the impact of social-influence bias, loudmouth bias, first-talker bias, and other common problems that greatly distort the results of focus groups and interviews. 

See technology video below for details:


BRAND ASSOCIATION and EXPLORATION: quickly assess consumer perceptions through free-form discussions. Researchers can observe in real-time or use Insight Studio to review the deliberations afterwards.

CONCEPT TESTING / AD TESTING: present content in any format (text, images, video) and quickly gain deep understanding of consumer preferences (at scale) along with deep insights about the underlying reasons why.

GROUP BRAINSTORMING: engage large groups in collaborative brainstorming and quickly surface ideas along with deep insights about which ideas garner the greatest support and a detailed analysis of the reasons why.

GROUP ASSESSMENT & PRIORITIZATION: have large groups collaboratively rank sets of options from preferred features and priorities, to greatest needs and deepest concerns (along with the underlying reasons why).

EXAMPLE USE: The GIF below shows a Thinkscape session in which 112 consumers divided into 23 ThinkTanks discuss popular snack brands. In less than an hour, Thinkscape produced a volume of high quality insights that would take weeks to capture using traditional methods and gives significantly more accurate and repeatable results.


Researchers can observe deliberations, complete with real-time Sentiments Analysis and Verbatim Extraction across all rooms. And Thinkscape automatically outputs a detailed written report with qualitative insights and quantitative statistics (see reporting here ).

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